About Us

Welcome to the Technical Trade’s Own Branch Organisation.
We are the Association of Finnish Technical Traders. As the most respected networking partner and opinion leader in the technical trade, we provide our members with proactive information on industry trends, market developments and legislation.
The Association comprehensively represents the entire technical trade and actively promotes its interests.
400 +
Annual Sales 2023
20,000 +

Basis for the Finnish Industry
Technical trade is the import and sales of raw materials, parts, components, machines and systems, as well as the supply of related solutions and services for manufacturing and building industries.
In order to succeed in the future, companies within technical trade need competent people, new know-how and accurate market information.
What Can We Do for You?
Promoting interests: We ensure that our members are up to date with laws, regulations, and instructions affecting their business and that our members’ interests are accounted for when new legislation is prepared. Good relations with other associations in Finland and abroad, cooperation with authorities, and active participation in legislative work form an important part of our work.
Developing competence and know-how: The Association offers its members a comprehensive package of services within competence development. Together with our partners, we offer schooling within strategic, management, product and service-related as well as professional know-how.
Monitoring the business environment: We monitor our members’ business environment and markets, follow up and analyse changes and provide valuable information. We collect reliable branch-related information for the basis of our members’ decision-making and business development.
The services of the Association are widely utilised by our members – from product specialists to top management.
"I would like to thank the Association for providing a unique forum in the form of section meetings and seminars – enabling discussion of current, branch related topics and a dialogue between companies. The Association’s statistics, market reviews and general sales conditions strengthen the position and contribute to the success of a distributor in the supply chain."
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