Construction Machines

The leading Finnish construction machine rental companies and importers are members of the Construction Machines section. Customers outside the construction industry, for example in process industries, shipbuilding, real estate, and service industries also use machine services. The trend to outsource equipment due to the related, undeniable benefits has influenced the field. The rental machine market has seen strong growth, the growth is even faster than in construction.
The section produces the market prognosis of the industry twice a year (executed by Forecon Oy) and develops the industry with, for instance, market surveys and a shared roadmap. The industry is developed in cooperation with the customers and Business Finland etc.
The range of services in the business has grown. The development of equipment is essential in, for instance, the improvement of productivity in construction. Constant development of services and training of customers help choose the correct equipment, ensure safe use and minimise noise, vibrations and environmental impact. The industry is international both due to its extensive delivery network and the large foreign workforce in Finland.
The focus points of the section, in addition to market surveillance, are in the business environment (customers, development projects, legislation) and the supervision of interest it requires. The members are informed of future changes. Issues are developed in direct cooperation with customers, authorities, and other interest groups. The section maintains the terms and conditions of delivery concerning rental machine operations and its services.
The section is an active member in the European Rental Association (ERA), established in 2006. Among other things, the ERA develops terms and conditions of agreements and statistics in the industry and supervises its interests in EU legislation projects.
The Chairman of the section is Mika Eskola from Ramirent Finland Oy and Juha Ala-Hiiro is the General Secretary of the section.