Industrial Trucks

Significant truck and indoor logistics suppliers, importers, and manufacturers in Finland are members of the Industrial Trucks section. The product selection includes different forklift trucks, including used trucks, as well as stackers and pallet trucks. The truck commerce covers sales directly to the end client or different forms of rental operations. Renting has established a market share of more than one third – services and solutions are increasing their share. The development is monitored with, for instance, customer surveys.
Truck business is international, but the associated service demand is local. The Industrial Trucks section monitors the changes in the market and the business environment, legislation projects, and market surveillance in the industry. The members develop their own service business to support the logistics processes they have produced. Occupational safety and constantly developing environmental requirements are key targets of development in terms of responsibility. The monitoring of the business environment is correspondingly focused.
The Chairman of the section is Mika Tompuri from Wihuri Tekninen Kauppa, and Juha Ala-Hiiro is the General Secretary of the section.