Machine Tools

The Machine Tool Section consists of 25 leading Finnish machine tool suppliers. The member companies supply their clients with NC and conventional machine tools, measuring machines and related services ranging from design of production lines to service and schooling.
The member companies’ main customers represent mechanical engineering as well as their sub-contractors. Additional customer groups are maintenance units and repair shops in other industries and public administration as well as vocational institutes.
The section provides its members a forum supporting their competitiveness. The section follows actively the market and changes in the members’ operational environment and provides the members with information and related schooling. The section also participates in the development of the industry’s leading domestic exhibition events.
The section is a member of the European organisation CELIMO (Comité Européen de Liaison des Importateurs de Machines-Outils).
The Chairman of the section is Mr Petri Järvinen from Cron-Tek Oy, and Mr. Jan Sucksdorff is the General Secretary of the section.